How To Install New Fonts in Computer ?

How To Install New Fonts in my Computer ?

Are you fascinated with different sites with very good headers and very good fonts ? Well I do. Lately I have learn how to get and install those Fonts in my computer. Here are the steps on how I do it.

  1. Google for a keywords “ Free Fonts “ , upon typing those Keywords there will be lots of Free Fonts Site that will show, You just have to download it on your Desktop.
  2. If you are not satisfied with those result you can also Google the following Keywords “ Free Fonts Rapidshare “ it will give you results on different big files download from Rapidshare site.
  3. So Enough for download, assuming that you have downloaded the fonts in your computer, Unzip it and Proceed to Control Panel
  4. While in Control Panel locate the Fonts Icon
  5. After locating and clicking the fonts icon , it will show the different fonts that is already installed in your computer.
  6. Then press File >> Install New Fonts
  7. Locate the unzip version of your downloaded Free Fonts either from different site or from Rapidshare.
  8. Then Presto you have your new Fonts Installed.

So if you want to jump to Process # 3 and avoid doing searching for Free Fonts, you can just click and download in the following links

1001 freefonts , Dafont ,urbanfonts , find-greatdeals & simplythebest are some sites that provides Free Fonts, you just have to download the font individually

I just hope that the above instruction will help other computer users who like to put some other fonts in their computer and replace those files with Arial and Time New Roman 🙂

Dexter Panganiban

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at

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  1. 2
    Antilogic Media - Design, Technology, SEO, Online Marketing and more… :: Antilogic Media

    […] How To Install New Fonts on A PC from Techathand […]

  2. 6

    ahmm.. i can’t install the fonts that i have downloaded. i followed your directions but it didn’t work. what will i do?.

  3. 10

    Just want to share. In Windows Vista all you have to do is right click > Install Font

    snoobs last blog post..How Do You Want To Spend Your Day?

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