Just today when I check my Google Webmaster Tools I just found out that the site is not cached by Google.
Does Anybody experienced this before. I will have to dig this issue since I know it will make problem in the future. I have already contacted Google for this matter.
I think this is a result when my site was down for about 3 days before I transfer to Dream Host. Anyway I will keep you inform in the future on how will I fix this one. The below screen shot was taken in my Google Webmaster’s Tool , All errors shown came at the time when my site is down. Imagine 571 post is not found . So that only means Google Crawl my site while my database is still having some problem.
I just hope it can be fixed as soon as Google access my site again.
Did you bother to look at the source code of your homepage?
To save you some time, look for this code in the source of your homepage:
Look for this code:
Come on now! Why does the code get removed from my post. Anyway, it’s a robots meta tag with noarchive attribute.
That was a good move by checking your stats in Google Webmaster tools. Just fix those errors and in the next crawl, everything will be fine.
actually upon checking it today.. SERP is fine my last google crawl was aug 6 ,, but still it is not cache.
I also suspect the use of global translator was one source of the problem