I just read it from nytimes.com that there are More E-Mail Account Details Leaked Online, and it has been reported that there are about 20,000 Email with password had been pasted in Pastebin.com and those e-mail accounts are from Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Gmail, EarthLink and Comcast.
Microsoft, Google and Yahoo have confirmed the addresses are real and that the information was stolen through phishing schemes, though they have declined to provide additional details. All say they are helping affected users to recover their accounts.
As of today the said site already removed the list but we do not know the number of person got a copy of those email list when it was posted in the net. I would suggest googling for your e-mail address or change immediately your passwords upon reading this post. better Be safe than sorry.
Source : nytimes
Scary news indeed.. i guess it is just imperative to practice constant updating of our email information especially password.
I must yes I agree. Security is really important for us
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