More and more sites are becoming Mobile Ready Site and this site has been mobile ready for almost a year now. You can check my post about a year ago when this site become a mobile ready site .
I just want to inform you that I got my first ever payment from , I actually forget about it and I just found out that they have sent me a $20.36 additional fund at my paypal account.
So this is just a proof that admob is paying. Because of this, I made my other WordPress blog , Mobile Ready Site. You can see lots of plug-in in your dashboard on how to become a mobile ready site.

So I just like to thank and my mobile visitors for giving me extra income. I expect more to come since I have enrolled my other blogs to become mobile ready 🙂
My mobile traffic is really ow but I know someday it will also grow. So why don’t you make your bog mobile ready site and enjoy passive income from your bog. Admob is just one of my source of income in this blog.
thanks for this.. i think im going to add admob too..
Hmmm, if my site is mobile-ready, how can I advertise it? Tsaka paano ko makikita ang mobile format ng isang site?
arks last blog post..How to Make an Instant $15 from Payperpost
use dotmobi
sylv3rblades last blog post..Blizzard: Starcraft II Beta Opt-in is here
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