I love it when somebody ask question in this blog, Why? Because it helps me in a way to have a new idea on what post will be of help to my reader. Nella ask about Google Analytics. and Since I believe it is very important to respond to readers question I am answering her question via this post.
What is Google Analytics ?
Google Analytics is a free web application that could be used to track your site performance. It can give information about the number of visit and the keywords that has been used for your site to be used. It can also tell you who among site linked to your is giving lots of referrals. Well in fact I have been using their service for about 1 year now, and until now I am still satisfied. If you want to dominate Google, You should be able to know how they are tracking your site. And therefore used an tracking system that is affiliated with it. It can also use to track your SEO Performance.
How can I activate Google Analytics for my site ?
The first thing to do is to have an account with gmail. And proceed with Google Analytics Site and add your site via Add your site profile. Just fill up the details about your site and after that , Google analytics will give you a script that needs to be paste on your site.
See this Theme Play Ground post about installing Google Analytics for WordPress and zerodollarchallenge for blogspot.
What information will Google Analytics give me ?
The most used information that Google Analytics gives is the number of visitors that visited your site. It is part as follows:
Dashboard – It will give a general information about your site, Like number of visits, Page views, Bounce Rate, Average time on site and other information in General.
Visitors – It will give you information on how your visitors reacts or moved at your site. It will give you information on how many pages did the visit and how much time did they spend on your site. What are the bounce rates and other information in which you need to know on how people reacts when they reach your site,
Traffic Sources – If you want to know where did your visitors came from, It might be from other site, Other search engine or direct traffic. This part of Google Analytics will be able to give you that information. It can also give the information regarding the keywords used to reach you site.
Content – It will give you a detailed information about the top content of your site. Where it is frequently visited. Including the keywords..
Goals – I still need to study this one. I have not yet experimented about this.
How Will it Help Me ?
If you know the post that has a highest visitors you would be able to make a follow up post or make a proper linking on that post. Since it has a potential to give you more money. Knowing the keywords that is used to visit your site, you can be able to make another post regarding that matter. For example , I know that this site is being search for some Excel and Microsoft Words Tips. that is why from time to time I am making some additional Tips that my reader would enjoy if they happen to pass by because of my post regarding Microsoft Word and Excel.
You can also check my post regarding visitors.
Other information
You can even crate more than one account, By doing this you be able to check the other site that you own. It can also be set to provide you a daily email in PDF format regarding your site performance for the day. The information provided by Google Analytics is really very important. This is what I am checking almost everyday to know if my site is doing well. And to know how to improve more. I just hope this information helps my readers.I have also made a post regarding blog stats. This is also a nice tools in order to know if your SEO Campaign is working.
[…] to increase your page views as well as to decrease your bounce rate that you are seeing from your Google Analytics ? ( The lower the bounce rate the better ). Well I have experimented this technique for a while and […]
[…] to increase your page views as well as to decrease your bounce rate that you are seeing from your Google Analytics ? ( The lower the bounce rate the better ). Well I have been experimenting this technique for a […]
[…] publishing your post wait for about 10 to 15 minutes and head over to Google, Get your title and copy paste to Google Search Bar. Usually it will give you a response of your […]
[…] is simple you just have to learn how you can track your visitors from Google Anaytics. I have made a post about Google Analytics function and how it can help you gain more visitors. You […]
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Thanks Dex! It really helped me a lot. google analystics is a whole lot better than awstats. But everything has its place. Thanks for a nice post.
[…] Are you using Google Analytics for tracking your blog stats? Well, if not, here’s an overview of Google Analytics. […]