Google’s 11th Birthday
Today a new logo is shown at Google Homepage. Check it out below. Today is Google’s 11th Birthday. So to Google a Happy Birthday to [more…]
Anything Google
Today a new logo is shown at Google Homepage. Check it out below. Today is Google’s 11th Birthday. So to Google a Happy Birthday to [more…]
More and more people are being hooked up in facebook, the latest survey from Nielsen reveals that peoples stays longer in Facebook compared to other [more…]
Google is really an innovator, I could say that Google is an innovator because of their new feature in Google Labs called Google Fast Flip [more…]
Today I just learned that John Chow Dot com Ban is lifted by Google since whenever you will search his name you will be able [more…]
I might be late with this one since it goes out in the market about a week ago but anyway it is better late than [more…]
I have seen news in my Google Reader that there are some PR updates. Anybody had their PR change ? Well as of this writing [more…]
Here is the Google Search Option Video that was provided by Google official blog. After viewing the video here is my comments and observation : [more…]