To all readers and constant visitors of this site, most of you know that I have installed a comment luv plug in and there has been a positive result to all my commenter. there is an increase in comments and visitors participation but I have noticed one thing.
Some of the links that my plug-in shows is the feed burner links to the post. Some has a direct link or permalink to their post.
Upon investigation which happen also to this site.. Some of my commenters used the feedburner plugin that converts all feed request to be redirected to a feed burner.
So to all of you who are commenting to the Comment Luv Plugin activated site with an aim to communicate and at the same time advertise your feed links, I would suggest to deactivate the feedburner plugin and change all links at your homepage to have a feedburner feed request links.
Just a suggestion. It is better to have a permalink that is directing at your site rather than the feedburner links. I have deactivated my FeedBurner FeedSmith plugin because of the above mention criteria. In an SEO point of view, using your permalink will give juice to your blog and using feedburner links will give link juice to feedburner so the decision is yours.
Now you can start commenting in different blog who support the comment luv plug in here
The question I have is whether Feedburner really steal the backlinks OR do they pass through to your URLs? An SEO I trust tells me that tinyurls pass through and these may too. I’m checking with another SEO to see if we can get a definitive answer.
Also, whether you have the Feedburner Feedsmith plugin installed only affects YOUR comments wherever you leave them and not comments others leave. You can prove that by looking at the comments in my blog. MINE are redirecting but those left by others not using that plugin are not.
@Internet Strategist @GrowMap,
I can’t really say if it is stealing the juice.. But it is better to change the url to your own permalinks..
If you set up the redirects for Feedburner to pass the link juice to your site. By default, they are not set up like this. Details:
And I just added you to a link love list for CommentLuv users.
Stephan Miller’s last blog post..Link Love for CommentLuv Blogs Part 1 of 3
[…] Ling (aka Owlbert) shared her tips regarding Feedburner redirects as response to my post, a great tip since it teaches me that it is possible to retain my permalink even the feeds is […]
@ Barbara Ling (aka Owlbert)
That was a great Tip.. Thanks I think I have to make new post regarding this matter..
Thanks again
Dexter’s last blog post..Optimizing Wrong Spelling Keywords [ Free Downlaod | Googel ]
Have you tried turning off the Feedburner redirects?
Barbara Ling (aka Owlbert)’s last blog post..RANT – What Twitter REALLY is missing Part 1, need a solution
@ Simonne
Well actually the feed count will still be accurate,, That is why I told in the post that all links to feed subscribed should be change with the link URL provided by feedburner.. And not those with URL/feed..
Dexter’s last blog post..SEO Tips : Optimizing Keyword in a Specific Region
This is interesting. Indeed, one extra link can be very good for SEO. However, I suppose then that the number of RSS subscribers to a blog won’t be accurate anymore, will it?
Simonne’s last blog post..ProjectWonderful: Advertise and make some bucks
@ Michael & ceblogger..
Thanks for the comment.. Allen has made a follow up post for this check it out >>>
[…] by Allen in WordPress | I found this great post from Dexter where he suggests that we should not use the commentluv and feedburner feedsmith plugins together. Actually the reason why was very simple… How CommentLuv […]
thanks for this info. i’ll check out this one. i don’t have comment luv plug-in just yet, but i’m thinking of installing it.
ceblogger’s last blog post..Vote For Me, Again!
Good job,
thanks for the info.
I will check it out
Michael’s last blog post..How a Famous Affiliate Marketing Superguru Started From Scratch. And How You Can Do The Same
@ Allen ,
Yup.. Now it is working on your feed,, Check and right click your latest post link above and you will see a permalink directed at your post in your homepage. rather than feedburner links..Great for SEO
Dexter’s last blog post..My M70-160 Toshiba Satellite Review
Hmm do you mean the feedburner feedsmith plug-in? Let me try, I just deactivated mine.
Allen’s last blog post..Silkenhut Reaching Out Issue 34