WWDC 2010 Steve Jobs Keynotes Highlights

At long last the much awaited announcement of iPhone 4 ( Not iPhone 4g ) has been revealed yesterday at WWDC 2010, during Steve Job’s keynote. So here are the WWDC 2010 Steve Jobs Keynote Highlights.

iPhone 4

iPhone 4 has been announced with the highlight in it’s resolution which they claim that it will have 4x more than the resolution of iPhone 3gs. iPhone 4 will have The “Retina Display” which uses an IPS panel for better color rendering, and viewing angles. The pixel density of the “Retina Display” is 326 pixel per inch, which is 26 pixels more than what the human eye can differentiate.

iBooks For The iPhone With New Features

iBooks for iPhone with new featured has been shown during the Keynotes. The application now has the ability to view and read PDF files. In addition the book that has been downloaded into iPhone could also be downloaded to other compatible Apple device for free.

Netflix, Guitar Hero And Farmville Applications For The iDevices

The Netflix application has been officially announced for the iPhone. The application uses adaptive video playback, and features seamless switching between Wi-Fi and 3G networks. The application will be launched sometime in summer, this year for free. And everybody was surprised when Zynga also announced about the Farmville Application in iPhone.

iMovies For The iPhone

The new iPhone 4G is capable of recording HD (720p) videos at 30fps with the use of A4 chip inside, the phone is capable of editing these videos very easily. Apple has made iMovies specifically for the iPhone. The application is available at the App Store for $4.99.


Apple has renamed the iPhone OS4 to iOS4 now. The new iOS4 has more than 100 new features, and contains more than 1500 developer API. We will try to inform you more in the future.


To give the developer to produce more applications for iPhone they made this iAd. This is an application for the developers to earn on what they are doing.

Dexter Panganiban https://techathand.net/about-2/

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at admin@techathand.net

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  1. 2

    great post. very informative. the funny part about the keynote was when steve jobs loss internet connection. the look on his face was priceless

  2. 4
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