Thanks to that i am able to understand clearly on how the new AdSense in your blog post works. As of this moment I have already made it on this blog. It is now on the Experimental stage since I don’t know if it will increase my CTR and adsense earning. I will let you know after two weeks. I just hope that this new adsense experiments works for this blog.
Update March 01,2009 : This blogpost is applicable for Blogspot Blogs. I posted this one when I am still using Blogspot. But Now This site is fully hosted in WordPress. And I may say that Adsense is giving better Income when it is on WordPress. You can see more updates about Adsense at my Adsense Category . And if you need some tips about adsense you can contact me thru out contact page or at admin [at] , I can say that there are lots of Filipino Bloggers that are not maximing the income from Adsense. Let me know if I can help you with this matter 🙂
I am currently hosting my blogs under the Blogspot blog platform and I also wish to transfer to WordPress once I have discovered the right method to generate money money on my Adsense account.
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