Many of us do not know that Google Adsense Ads could be targeted. The question is how will you help Adsense to know what is the proper keywords needs to be targeted in your post?
The Answer is you just have to instruct Adsense crawler and locate the beginning and ending of your post. , Just follow the codes below
Put this line of code before your content
<!– google_ad_section_start–>and put this line of code after your content
<!– google_ad_section_end–>
The HTML tags to emphasize a page section take the following format:
<!– google_ad_section_start –>
<!– google_ad_section_end –>
You can also designate sections you’d like to have ignored by adding a (weight=ignore) to the starting tag:
<!– google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) –>
With these tags added to your HTML code, your final code may look like the following:
<html><head><title>Section targeting</title></head>
<!– google_ad_section_start –>
This is the text of your webpage. Most of your content resides here.
<!– google_ad_section_end –>
You can edit you Footer, Header, and Side bar so that you will ignore those text that resides on that location. More Google Adsense post in my archives.
Source : Google