Site Changes & Development with New WordPress Plug-Ins & Twitter

Just want to inform you guys the latest development of this blog and my net exposure. I know that sneak preview of WordPress 2.5 is out, but I still believed it will take time to be stable. So better do some changes in this blog for the mean time.

  1. If you are one of my subscriber, You can now view full RSS feeds. There will be no more excerpt. Anyway I have installed my RSS links plug-in just to protect this site from scraper. Thanks to Ronald Heft, Jr.for providing Full Text Feed Plug-ins. This plug-in prevents Prevents WordPress 2.1+ from adding a more link to your website’s feed.
  2. I have installed a great plug-in that shows my archives with the number of comment it has. The plug-in was provided by Dagon Design Sitemap Generator well actually I saw the plug in at Allen archive. Thanks. This is sure SEO friendly since the Archives uses the permalink and post title. It simply great.
  3. I fully join Twitter just yesterday and I am beginning to love how it works. Well until now I am still doing some testing 🙂 . So if you have your twitter account just leave it here thru comments and let me follow you. And if you want to follow me here is my Twitter Address [ techathand ]. By the way please be informed that tinyurl is banned from Middle East. So your shortcut links will not be accessible for me. I would prefer if you can use to shorten your URL for twitter purpose. I am now enjoying reading twitter thru using my PDA.
  4. I just recently launch my Free E-book ( Case Study # 1 : Make Money Online Via Current Events ) and if that is successful. I would do some more free e-book for newbies.
  5. BTW I got my new domain name [ Philippine News and Current Events ]hosted at blogspot for the mean time, This is to keep me inform regarding news happening in my country

That’s it for now. Enjoy with the New Plug-ins and Full feeds 🙂

Dexter Panganiban

Dexter is a person who loves technology,new gadget, SEO, Social Media and Christianity. Follow him at twitter via @techathand and add him @ Google+ and contact us at

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  1. 3
    SEO Guru

    I like the new changes; it looks good 🙂

    Zafar Ahmed – SEO Guru

    SEO Guru’s last blog post..A little bit of testing for SEO Guru

  2. 7

    Its nice to know, bro your expanding the lists of your paid domain… godbless bro… just share your blessing to others… Happy Easter, hope you will get the eggs this time…:P

    Juler’s last blog post..Lessons on Smoking

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